Friday, April 1, 2016

OS Deployment Dashboard

Update 7 June: 
Have updated the download link with an updatec version(much faster) of the report.
If you downloaded the report before 7 June 2016 you should update to the newest version.
New version is also include the drill trough report (OS-OSD Details Report) so that you can click on a Computer to bring up the step by step details for that OS Deployment.

One of the first reports that i posted on this blog and by far the most popular is my "OSD - Overview" report. That report is now over 2 years old ,since then I've done a lot of custom report work both internally and for other clients and I've learned a lot of new techniques. My old OSD report was no longer up to my standard so it was time to create a new one.

Been working on this for a couple of days now and i think it's ready to show the public ..,so i present to you ,the new "Task Sequence Dashboard" ,hope  you like it!

Task Sequence Report ,main page


First page is a dashboard like view ,while page two and up contains details.
Hopefully most of the elements in the report should be self explanatory ,but i'll quicklime run trough some of the features.

The report has rebuilt controls ,now you can select only the task sequences that you're interested in. when you've selected the task sequences you get a list of deployments for the selected task sequences for, default it selects all deployments.
Last parameter is to set how far back you want to go ,default it's set to 3 months.

The main page have 4 elements:

Top left is a bar chart showing the number of OS Deployments pr day for the selected period.

Top right is an overview of what the success rate of each of the task sequences is in percent. It only considers "success vs. failed"

Bottom left is a overview of the active deployments for each task sequence. It shows the average runtime for each task sequence ,Active Deployements(that have been used) and how many computers have ran a each deployment.

Bottom right is a quick overview of what errors the computers might have encountered.
It has tooltips both on the table and the pie chart ,so if you hover over the error code it gives some more information.

Page two (and up) is a details page showing the status for each computer that have run the task sequence. It shows start and stop time using the clients local time ,and calculates how long the computer used on the deployment.
(Note! if the client hasn't done a hardware scan it uses a default timezone attribute in the report. Default it's set to 120)

I've colored coded the status messages so you can easily spot computers that have problems. The failed statuses have a tooltip that decode the error message when you hover over it.
(same decoder as the console uses ,it's not great for task sequence errors.)
Last column is bar chart so you easily can spot computers that used long time on the OSD.

Hope you like the report ,if you do please spread the word and/or post a comment bellow.