Monday, September 12, 2016

Windows 10 - Editions and Versions Report (in lack of a better name)


May 02: Quick Update ,seems to be a small "bug" with how Windows 10 1703 (Creators Update) registers in Configmgr DB. For some reason the "branch" field is a empty string, not 0 as expected (or at least NULL instead of empty string).
have created a new version of the report (Download it here) as a work around for this issue.

Created this report a few months ago, but didn't release it because I  wasn't sure my reverse engineering was correct until Windows 1607 was released.
But now Windows 10 1607 is released and everything seems to line up.

This report needs Configmgr 1602 to run (maybe it'll work on 1507 ,but haven't tested it)

The report is a details report for Windows 10 ,It can shed some light on Editions,Versions ,update rings and "state". As with most of my reports you can run it against a specific collection to limit the result and contrary to the console, it gives you a detailed list of witch computer is running what.

 & '.\Upload Reports v3.ps1' -webServiceUrl http://yourreportserver.fqdn

(Read more about the script and additional parameters here)

Added some parameters to the report to enable you to show ex. only computers on "Current Branch" or only computers that have reached "End of life".

If you found it useful ,feel free to spread the word:-)

Let me know what you think in the comments below or on Twitter. 

Friday, September 2, 2016

Distribution Point Reports ,Bonus Content

Got a question under the blogpost for my distribution point reports about a "Content View". Basicly a list of packages with colums for each Distribution point.

 When i created the Distribution Point Reports i actually had this type of view in the early versions  of the reports ,but I didn't include it in the final version.

So if someone else find it usefull ,here it is. I've cleaned up the report to make it look like the other ones.