Friday, May 19, 2017

WannaCry Patch Report - Follow Up Post

Crazy week huh?

The interest for Software Updates went from close to zero to a hundred over a weekend and suddenly you have managers demanding status reports on how well their're department are patched against WannaCry.

Normally when i create reports I use them myself for some time (sometimes months or years if i forget about it) to work out all most of the bugs before i release them.
Since this was a time sensitive issiue I published this report within hours after creating it. Fortunately it turned out to work fine, only some small issues with the Baseline CAB file not wanting to import on older systemens.

On Monday i started to create a report to find out if computers where patched or not.
First discovery was that "MS-17-010" was long gone and have been replaced by an bunch of new patches. (Think the list ending containing 27 patches, not including Vista, 2003 and XP)

I first tried to use the Software Update DB in Configmgr to find out if computers where patched or not, but ran into problems with supersedence and updates expiring. Basically when a update expires there is no way to tell if a computer have installed it or not, they will report "Update not Required" regardless if they had it installed or not.
The report sort of worked if you didn't expire the update immediately when they are superseded, but i decided to use Configuration Baseline and wrote a quick CI to check the if one of the patches where registered in win32_quickfixengineering or build number was higher than 15063(Creators Update)

Modifed the report to check the Baseline instead of Software Update Compliance and that seems to work perfectly.

Another good approach would have been to enable inventory of "win32_quickfixengineering" and use that.
I could also have included a CI for "SMBv1" in the Baseline to verify that the machines have it disabled.

Since May 17 is a holiday in Norway we still have a quite a few machines that haven't been checked yet.
Have made some changes to the report since i released it on Thursday(May 16), Added two gauges to indicate compliance.
have been running for a couple of days now and our compliance looks good.

We set 98% compliance as our working goal ,and set the apprentices to monitor the report as the results came in. They checked the non-compliant machines against a list with the Software Update statuses(Bottom Query in my last post) to see what the hold up was (Reboot Pending,Install Failures,++)
For machines that needed attention we created a ticket in our helpdesk.

At the time I'm writing this, not one of our machines have been infected by Wannacry.
Considering  that one of our sites contain 8000+ student and teacher laptops ,that's amazing!

WannaCry Patch Compliance Report for one of our collections.
Here's how the reports looks now. Default it's sorted with the machines in the "Non-Compliant" or "Error" state at the top. 

 Have updated the report with the new changes.(Last version have version 0.4 in the bottom left corner.)

Monday, May 15, 2017

WannaCry Patch Compliance Report

  • 15 May 13:40 ,Updated the query to show Windows 10 (Build 15063) creators Update as Patched
  • 15 May 14:10, Had made a mistake in the last version ,with the update status. fixed now. 
  • 15 May 15:00 Expanded the list of updates.
  • 16 May 10:00, This doesn't work as expected ,when a update is superseded the old one is set as "Not Requered". Got a new version almost ready that uses Baseline/CI with a WMI query against Win32_QuickFixEngineering, seems to work much better. Keep checking back, i'll post it soon. 
  • 16 May 14:30 ,New version of the report that uses baseline available for download.
  • 16 May 17:00 ,tweaked the baseline WMI query to support Builds higher than 15063
  • 24 May ,Updated the Baseline ,added 3KB's for Windows 7 and fixed the buildnumber "check" (greater than 15053 statement should now work as expected)
  • 29.June Added KB4022727  KB4022714 AND KB4022715 to the list (Windows 10 June Updates) Havent updated the CAB file ,just copy the powershell code bellow and update the CI.

I just got back from a one week vacation and the everybody is freaking out about the WannyCry ransomware.
I spend the whole morning working with people hanging over my shoulder watching me write SQL queries to get the information they where looking for.
The vulnerability that WannyCry uses was patched in Bulletin "MS17-010" ,but that update is expired and superseded by other updates that again are expired and superseded...and so on. This makes it hard to tell if computers are patched against WannaCry or not.

So! i created a report to show if machines in a collection are patched against WannaCry or not.
The way the report works is that I've created a list of Updates that contain the patch for the WannyCry vulnerability and if a machine have one of those patches installed it's shows as "Patched" if not it shows as "Not-Patched / Unknown".

The List of Updates that it checks against is easily changed. I've added the updates that i could find that fixes this issue, but this was a rush job so there may be errors in the list. If you find any errors or updates that are missing from the list ,post a comment bellow.

Created a new version of the report that uses Configuration Baselines to determine patch state ,it queries WMI on the machines(Win32_QuickFixEngineering) for one or more of the KB patches that fixes the problem.

New report is a bit more work since you have to deploy the Configuration Baseline (Included in the zip file), but the new report should give better results. Also slower since the baseline needs to be evaluated on the clients.

I've been testing it myself all morning and it seems to work as expected, let me know.
Old version is still available.

Download Report (SUP Version)
(If you still want to use this report ,check out this tip on Reddit. you can set updates not to expire immediately when superseded)

Download New Report (Baseline Version)
(New version have a version number in the footer)

Note! This is the first version of the report and it was created in a rush. If you find mistakes or errors post a comment bellow.
I'll update the report as soon as i can when we find errors or updates that should be added/removed from the the list.

List of update is based on this blog post and the "Microsoft WannaCrypt Customer Guidance Document": 

People don't seem to agree if Windows 10 versions other that Creators Update(1703) is immune or not. For now Windows 10 is part of the report.

Both versions of the report use the same logic to determine if a computer is patched or not.
The SUP version checks against the Software Update Views, but there is a issue with superseded updates if you don't increase the time between the update is superseded and the update expires.

The Baseline version checks for the updates in WMI on the clients and reports back compliance state that shown in the report. This is a better method ,but it's slower. You have deploy the Configuration Baseline and wait for the clients to report back compliance state.

To Deploy the Baseline Configuration 

This baseline only monitors ,it does not remediate anything ,should be safe to deploy.
  1. Right Click Configuration Baselines (SCCM Console > Asset and Compliance Settings) and select "Import Configuration Data"
  2. Click Add and select the CAB file included in the download (You get a warning that it's not signed ,click yes)
  3. You should now have a WannaCry_Patched Baseline in the list ,Right Click it and select Deploy.
  4. Choose a Collection and set the Schedule to 1 day or something faster. 

Can't import the baseline? Watch this video to learn how to create it manually.

Note! The Configuration Baseline should be called  "WannaCry_Patched",the rest don't matter
(You can call it something else ,but then you have to edit the report:-))

Here is the Powershell script for the baseline:

$OS = Get-WmiObject -Query "select * from Win32_OperatingSystem"

if ([convert]::ToInt32($os.BuildNumber) -cge 15063)
Return $true
$queryresult = Get-WmiObject -query "select * from Win32_QuickFixEngineering
where HotFixID = 'KB4015553' OR HotFixID = 'KB4019215' OR HotFixID = 'KB4015549'
OR HotFixID = 'KB4015552' OR HotFixID = 'KB4012598' OR HotFixID = 'KB4019264'
OR HotFixID = 'KB4012215' OR HotFixID = 'KB4012213' OR HotFixID = 'KB4012212'
OR HotFixID = 'KB4012217' OR HotFixID = 'KB4015551' OR HotFixID = 'KB4019216'
OR HotFixID = 'KB4012216' OR HotFixID = 'KB4015550' OR HotFixID = 'KB4013429'
OR HotFixID = 'KB4019472' OR HotFixID = 'KB4015217' OR HotFixID = 'KB4015438'
OR HotFixID = 'KB4016635' OR HotFixID = 'KB4019473' OR HotFixID = 'KB4015219'
OR HotFixID = 'KB4013198' OR HotFixID = 'KB4012606' OR HotFixID = 'KB4015221'
OR HotFixID = 'KB4019474' OR HotFixID = 'KB4012214' OR HotFixID = 'KB4019265'
OR HotFixID = 'KB4019263' OR HotFixID = 'KB4015546' OR HotFixID = 'KB4022727'
OR HotFixID = 'KB4022714' OR HotFixID = 'KB4022715'"

if ($queryresult)
Return $true
Return $false

Here are some SQL queries to show a Computers status for these updates:

DECLARE @computername VARCHAR(40)
SET @computername = 'Insert Computername here'

SELECT A.resourceid,
         WHEN A.status = '0' THEN 'Detection state unknown'
         WHEN A.status = '1' THEN 'Update is not required'
         WHEN A.status = '2' THEN 'Update is required'
         WHEN A.status = '3' THEN 'Update is installed'
         ELSE ''
       END AS StatusName,
FROM   v_update_compliancestatusall A
       INNER JOIN v_updateinfo D
               ON A.ci_id = D.ci_id
       INNER JOIN v_r_system E
               ON A.resourceid = E.resourceid
       LEFT JOIN v_statenames F
              ON A.lastenforcementmessageid = F.stateid
                 AND F.topictype = 402
  E.name0 = @computername
       AND D.articleid IN ( 
ORDER  BY resourceid,
          D.daterevised DESC,
          F.statename ASC 

Or this one to show all Clients in a collection that are in the process of installing one or more of these updates:

DECLARE @Collection VARCHAR(40)
SET @Collection = 'Insert CollectionID Here'

SELECT A.resourceid,
         WHEN A.status = '0' THEN 'Detection state unknown'
         WHEN A.status = '1' THEN 'Update is not required'
         WHEN A.status = '2' THEN 'Update is required'
         WHEN A.status = '3' THEN 'Update is installed'
         ELSE ''
       END AS StatusName,
FROM   v_update_compliancestatusall A
       INNER JOIN v_fullcollectionmembership B
               ON A.resourceid = B.resourceid
       INNER JOIN v_collection C
               ON B.collectionid = C.collectionid
       INNER JOIN v_updateinfo D
               ON A.ci_id = D.ci_id
       INNER JOIN v_r_system E
               ON A.resourceid = E.resourceid
       LEFT JOIN v_statenames F
              ON A.lastenforcementmessageid = F.stateid
                 AND F.topictype = 402
WHERE  C.collectionid = @Collection
       AND A.status != 3
       AND F.statename IS NOT NULL  
       AND D.articleid IN ( 
ORDER  BY resourceid,
          D.daterevised DESC,
          F.statename ASC